Blog Post2: Digital Identity

Digital Identity and Social Media

Technology has brought significant reform in our day to day activities in the way we present ourselves in social networks and online platforms. It also plays a vital role in bringing out people’s digital identity, which is the aspect of digital technology concerned with people’s relation to their own experiences and the identity shaped by others in the social networks. Digital identity is any information presented on the web that describes ones’ behavior, likes and dislikes, feelings, and their way of thinking (Spracklen, 2015). I believe that one’s digital identity is determined by things we post online, how we talk about others in the social networks, and how we use the digital tools for our benefits or others’ service.

Social media is the best site for leisure work where people can get to know more about other people, trending issues, and the current situation of their interest. I believe that personal identity can easily attract other people of the same beliefs, culture, and interests, providing a room to explore and communicate through online social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. These can build a sense of community where people discuss their interests and get to advance their knowledge. Personal approach to digital identity can affect social media in how one presents themselves and how they use the digital tool for their benefits, like improving their businesses using the social network. Digital professional identity is an identity formed through social networking platforms, where one requires an internet-based interaction to make a professional identity (Mahboob, Jawed & Yasmeen, 2019). Social media is affected by the professional identity in a way that, people especially the medical students’ need social networking sites and groups to develop their professional identity.

Digital identity converges with the networked publics in developing identities as people utilize social media platforms to learn how to communicate and interact with others. Public networking benefits individuals in creating their personal and professional identities for future use in their workplaces or financial management environments. Additionally, the public network helps educate people on the trending and the happening in the world. Students can use public social groups to learn and communicate with their peers despite distance or time to commute to the specified institutions (Camacho, Minelli, & Grosseck, 2012). The gadgets used to access the learnings are favorable since they use the internet, which is easily affordable and can save time, thus promoting a fair and knowledgeable environment.



Camacho, M., Minelli, J., & Grosseck, G. (2012). Self and identity: Raising undergraduate students’ awareness on their digital footprints. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences46, 3176-3181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.032

Mahboob, U., Jawed, S., & Yasmeen, R. (2019). Digital professional identity: Dear internet! Who am I? Education for Health32(1), 33. https://doi.org/10.4103/efh.efh_232_17

Spracklen, K. (2015). Identity-making and social media. SpringerLinkhttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137405876_6



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  1. qiamingz November 6, 2020

    Hello Jiani,

    I think your post is very useful and clear. I definitely agree that “technology has brought significant reform in our day to day activities in the way that we present ourselves in social networks and online platform”. In my opinion, both our personal and professional identities are affected by social media significantly. More and more people begin to relies on social media in their daily lives. I really liked how you explained the appear and use of online community. In my opinion, when people who have similar experience or opinions want to share their ideas or discuss questions, online community will be formed. I have also found a web article about the the basics and benefits of online community: https://www.higherlogic.com/blog/what-is-an-online-community/

  2. xizhang November 10, 2020

    Hello, Jiani. In your blog, you have mentioned different functions of PLN. Through one’s PLN one can interact with others and learn from others. You have also mentioned “improving their businesses using the social network”, and that’s refreshing to me. Thank you!

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