Blog Post 3

Digital Identity

There are several digital platforms that students use in displaying their professional networks. Currently, the very efficient platform is the TED (Chauhan, 2018). It provides the student with a place to collaborate with participants to showcase their ideas and implement them by creating an active participation field. It provides the students with information access from the parties involved. With that, it brings the student to achieve their network goals.

As a student, I would consider loads of things to expand my network to keep it running smoothly. With that, I would consider; create a landing point of all my account, be an active participant, design a personal and professional account, share any new information with my participants, join meetup groups, maintain collaboration as the driving force and joining online communities of people with similar interests.

Creating a digital identity involves giving access to the network that defines who I am. Several reach outs to digital identification are; identifiers such as logo and images, authentication addresses like an email address, passwords, and usernames, data such as; administrative, banking, personal, and social (White, 2012). Maintaining my reputation as a professional network student, I would consider several things. I will maintain conversations with the participants in providing contents concerning the platform and answering questions from the comments section, build good relationships with other people, be honest, simple, clear and polite when presenting my contents, create clear rules of engagement and being keen about the image of the content shared to the environment.

As a professional networker, I would allow local employers to search for whatever information is required in my platform as it is a great benefit to my career path. Sharing positive contents provide opportunities for employment as it’s a clear reflection of whom I am.




Chauhan, A. (2018). 11 Digital Education Tools For Teachers And Students – eLearning Industry. eLearning Industry. Retrieved 2 October 2020, from https://elearningindustry.com/digital-education-tools-teachers-students.

White, D. (2012). V&R mapping at Educause. David White. Retrieved 2 October 2020, from http://daveowhite.com/vr-mapping-at-educause/.

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