Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN
To put it simply, media literacy can be perceived as the ability of an individual to identify different kinds of media and the kind of messages they are sending. In this regard, media comprises of print media (i.e. magazines, newspapers, and posters), radio broadcasts, theatrical presentations, and tweets among many others. It is key to be able to understand those forms of information and have the ability to make sense of what they are presenting (EDCI 338 A01-2.40min). Media literacy is very important, especially in the current information age because its helps us o process what we see or hear in the media. For instance, what initially comes to one’s mind when they see a particular image in a magazine or on television, is largely based on their own judgement, their past experiences, or even at times their outlook or worldview. However, those images have the ability in themselves to sway or conjure to think in a certain manner.
The way an image is presented can be biased, and thus influence the audience to take a particular direction of reasoning about an issue. Owing to the technological developments that have occurred in the recent past, there are many write-ups, views, videos, and images that seek to sway the way we think about certain matters. According to the video EDCI 338 A01 (3.40min), the sources may not have facts and may present biased views about matters. Therefore, an open dialogue about the media literacy and factual information easily creates conflicts as there are many grey areas of half-truths and facts that people easily overlook or assume. Many people do not view the media objectively, or they lack the purpose of trying to analyze they information being presented. They assume that the creator of the information or image has already done their research and that what they present is true and not biased, without knowing that in most cases, it is quite the opposite (Trilling & Fadel, 66).
In my PLN, therefore, my goal will be to find out through analysis of what is being presented, especially when it comes to varied views. My analysis will have the ultimate goal of getting factual consensus, which involves taking into consideration both sides of a depiction or an argument. I will do the analysis with a clear understanding that people tend to create media to influence us in a certain way.
Works Cited
21st Century Skills – Learning for Life In Our Times Trilling, B & Fadel, C – Digital Literacy Skills – Media Literacy pp.66 https://learning-oreilly-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/library/view/21st+Century+Skills:+Learning+for+Life+in+Our+times/9780470475386/fade_9780470475386_oeb_c04_r1.html#h2
EDCI 338 A01- Smith, Julie (Video). Media Literacy – Course YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/Z_T9RghwJlI
qiamingz November 9, 2020
Hello Jiani,
I think your blog post is very clear and organized. The examples that you shared in your post are quite effective as well. I definitely agree that media literacy can help us process what we read or watch in media. In my opinion, this is quite important and beneficial because as Julie described in the conversations, “news is a business and it will provide what viewers want to see or read”. Therefore, if we have the ability to identify different types of media and can judge if the news is fake, or not, it will be much more effective for us in today’s technological world. I agree that “the sources may not have facts and may present biased views about matters” as well. Therefore, educating media literacy will be quite useful and necessary for people. Your ideas are really great and thoughtful!
xizhang November 10, 2020
Hello, Jiani. I agree with your opinion that things online are possible to shape and distort the way we think. At this moment, whenever I search information online I would remind myself to think about the information posters’ intentions. Just as Julie said in the video, information is used as a business, and we may target and manipulated unconsciously.
mikaylaolesen November 11, 2020
HI Jiani, I think your blog post was really well said! I agree that it is extremely important to learn about media literacy in order to be able to evaluate the information you are reading otherwise, one may fall to personal bias and judgement. By practicing media literacy we are promoting critical thinking and understanding that their can be multiple correct interpretations of statements, while also being able to establish what is factual and what is personal opinion.
remyyuan November 12, 2020
Hi Jiani,
Thank you for sharing your blog post. I think your post is pretty clear and easy-to-understand. Good reflection! I liked how you use our course resource to prove your ideas. That’s really helpful. I agree with your opinion about that “an open dialogue about the media literacy and factual information easily creates conflicts as there are many grey areas of half-truths and facts that people easily overlook or assume”. However, in my opinion, most of time, it is very challenge for audience to prove if the news or facts are true, or not. As Julie described, “news is a business” and it always shows to audience about what they prefer to read, not they need to know. What do you think we can do to avoid biased news?