If your PLN can be used to help professional development post-course?
I strongly believe that my Personal Learning Network can effectively be used for professional development post-course, largely because it comprises of the elements discussed in the assigned video. For instance, my PLN is made of relationships between individuals whose goal is to enhance mutual learning (Course YouTube Channel, 2020). These individuals are also professionals who are also growing their connections and thus value the network I offer through my PLN.
Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities and on which platform does your emerging expertise get good exposure?
I believe that the kind of people that I have on my PLN offers the needed currency that can make it reliable regarding opening professional opportunities. As highlighted in the article developed by Del Giudice (2013), it is crucial for the professional network to offer currency such as learning through new contacts, feedback, new business opportunities, documentation, or insights. With the growing base of new members and the current individuals advancing their careers, I believe that the new experts can easily get good exposure by joining my platform.
Can you leverage your PLN in future endeavors?
Yes, I plan to leverage this PLN for my future prospects, since the types of relationships I have been cultivating are based on a high level of mutual trust and reciprocity. This means that all the parties are actively seeking to attain value-added information from each other, and once they benefit, they have a duty of reciprocating the same.
With consideration to the reading and video interview, how do you ensure that you expand your PLN via social media platforms into spaces that may be outside of your comfort
The main platform that was highlighted in the video that I found to be extremely appealing is LinkedIn, which I find to be a nice social site that where I can get to connect with different professionals on a personal level. By following these professionals on other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, we can easily link up on different occasions involving our hobbies or ways of having fun, and ultimately meet other professions who can help me expand my PLN outside my comfort zone.
Course YouTube Channel (2020). A Global PLN – Supporting One Another –https://youtu.be/RiWaXNfnHAg
Del Giudice, M. (2013). From information society to network society: the challenge. In Social Media and Emerging Economies (pp. 71-88). Springer, Cham.